Mercury Retrograde August 23rd to September 15th 2023

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo


This may be a very scattered retrograde.

Mercury rules Virgo. When Mercury retrogrades it can make it make Earthy Virgo feel uncomfortable because things may appear not to to be flowing the way it should.


Especially when it comes to business and career.


It is very important to "go with the flow" the next few weeks.  Your Angels are helping connect you to powerful wisdom. 

Be aware of Classic Mercury Retrograde Events.

You will have the higher psychic sight to see the meaning behind what "appears" to be delayed.



This is absolutely beautiful aura to take time and recharge yourself. Perhaps have an at home Spa day or have a detox bath.


Dextox bath

You may feel called to read more than normal too. Trust what inspires you.

Please remember Mercury is helping you be still so you step into your power.


Aries: Clear your mind. Very important to keep thoughts kinds.

Taurus: Time to Rest.

Gemini: Excellent energy to listen to what your body needs.

Cancer: Focus on detoxing. Green tea or a good detox tea would be helpful today

My Favorite Detox tea


Leo: Yoga maybe Calling. A new job may present itself.

Virgo: Career and business ideas maybe very strong. Gather knowledge on what inspires you.

Libra: Qi Gong and/or Tai Chi may be very helpful to connect to your Psychic Abilities.

Qigong and the Tai Chi Axis: Nourishing Practices for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Scorpio: Excellent energy to work on your fitness goals

Sagittarius:  Very high energy to connect with your past lives. Please listen to your dreams and visions. 


Capricorn: Time to organize your office.

Aquarius: Do not underestimate yourself. You got this.

Pisces: Love is all around you. Expect Joyful news.


 Much Love and Peace




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