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Horoscope For Oct 18th 2024

Horoscope For Oct 18th 2024


Energy is all about working hard and completing your task. Be very clear with your goals and what you want to accomplish the next few weeks. Business ideas and inspiration may come more easier this weekend.


You've been working harder than you realize. This is the time and energy to complete your task so you can rest and recharge this weekend. Know it's OK to put a boundaries and it's OK to say no if someone's asking to give more than you have. Reward yourself later this month.


You are in a cycle, where you are deciphering if someone is worthy of your wisdom and time. Your angels are asking you to know that you are a gift in this world. When someone ask for your thoughts, your words and/or help they must do the work to be worthy of your energy.


This is a hustle day! Great opportunities for things/projects to come together. Especially with career, business and abundance. Do not underestimate your wisdom or your power. Get organized, and network. An event may be more successful than what you first think.


Today's energy is all about rewarding yourself. Take time to shop, focus on your home and treat yourself to a new haircut or facial. You have been through so much that now it's time to give back to yourself. A friend made some need some gentle boundaries and guidance. Celebrate the day!


Angels are speaking to you through music. Keep an eye on a music event or a concert. There may be more connections here than what you first think. Your angels are asking you to create some time today to learn something new. Consider getting a new book or looking onto an online course to help expand your wisdom.


Today is a hustle day! Be clear with what you want to accomplish and complete your task! The goals that you have set may come together quicker than what you realize. Success is rising because of your higher hard work! Expect a happy windfall because of your hard work. Networking will be important.


Your angels are asking you to rest and recharge. You were entering an energetic purge that may make you feel more tired or intense energy. You may feel more heavier than normal. You are being real aligned to a new vibration that will help you call in more joy. You may hear news of a pregnancy or happy news about a child.


Self-care maybe wise today. Love and romance may be true. Today's energy is all about looking at the beauty of who you are and the beauty of this world. Ancestors are speaking to you through dreams. Treat yourself to a new bake good to help you bring joy into your path.


Angels are helping you connect with your mother on a higher spiritual level. Today's energy is all about listening and being still. Pets and animals may have words of wisdom for you. Look for ways to connect with nature going for a walk outside or listening to more Nature Sounds this will help increase your vibration.


Abundance may flow better than expected. Because of all the hard work and organization that you have done, opportunities may come more easier to you than others. Keep an eye on a promotion or opportunity to make more money the next few weeks. You are expanding your power.


You are healing on a higher vibration. Your angels are helping you connect to your wisdom and your power much more clear than before. They are asking you to either create music or art to help recharge and hear your heart. Love is becoming stronger and follow your laughter to find your path.

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Real Angels and Guardians


Truly shining a light on the energetic connections that do exist between soulmates in a clearly communicated way. Taps you into the energy you want to be in around Love. Highly recommend this course & anything Kelliena does. Her intuition is always on point.

~ Danielle